Chronically Healing Through Writing

Thoughts of the end -so through a pen I share rawfully honest thoughts. Thoughts about my relationship with chronic pain. Thoughts about the fantasies of romantic love , and the agony when this illusion disappears. The goal is to learn from my own journey through words.

Month: March, 2015

Dirty Lines


I fucked you in my writing
I made love to another’s song
I masturbate to the  memory
Of how things went terribly wrong

Drowning in a Glass of Hope

Cover Smile

My smile is nothing more than a cover letter
An introduction to the things I want to be seen
The first impression that can welcome
A coat to keep warm
A cup of tea on a winter morning
Dare I display further pages
Items on the background check may surprise
What goes on in the mind will surprise
There is sadness
There are tears that may leave a stain on the pages of my application
I am still qualified
I am still worthy- through it all I welcome with a smile